Table of Contents

Project Overview

Core Value Proposition

The tool streamlines the process of community exploration and integration. It ensures that individuals find communities where they can thrive, and communities benefit from members who are genuinely aligned with their vision and values.


To build an IKIGAI inspired tool for individuals and digital communities such as DAOs

The core motivations behind this project are:

  1. Personal Discovery: Provide users with a structured yet introspective tool to delve deep into their values, passions, skills, and needs. This journey of self-awareness will enable them to better understand and communicate their unique value proposition.
  2. Alignment of Potential Members with Communities:
    1. Instant Insight: By viewing a community's IKIGAI, potential members can immediately grasp the essence, values, and objectives of the community. This visual representation provides a concise snapshot of what the community stands for and its core ethos.
    2. Informed Decision: With this clarity, potential members can make an informed choice about joining communities. If the community's IKIGAI resonates with their personal values and aspirations, they can proceed with integration. Conversely, if there's a mismatch, they can continue their search for a more aligned community.
  3. Internal Alignment within Communities:
    1. Shared Vision: The collective IKIGAI of a community, curated by its members or admins, acts as a beacon, highlighting the community's shared values, goals, and ethos.
    2. Member Synergy: As individual members understand their personal IKIGAI in the context of the community's collective IKIGAI, they can find roles, tasks, or projects that best leverage their unique strengths and passions. This ensures that members are not only contributing effectively but also finding fulfillment in their roles within the community.

Scope & Features

IKIGAI Builder

A fully visual and interactive tool guiding users through the IKIGAI process, emphasizing its ongoing journey of self-discovery and evolution.

Must Have Features